Risks of Whitening Your Teeth

Dentist in Easton Shares how to Protect Your Teeth when Whitening Your Smile

If you are thinking about whitening your teeth, you need to learn about the possible risks associated. This is especially important if you are considering at-home systems. Learn more here with the help of your dentist in Easton.

The Risks You Face

When you are deciding to whiten your teeth, there are some risks that may be involved. While these aren’t going to happen for everyone, you do have the chance of experiencing tooth sensitivity or possible damage to the roots. Your dentist might be able to predict if these could be issues for you.

You could also alleviate some of the sensitivity with a toothpaste recommended by your dentist. If you experience any root damage, the dentist should also be able to treat the condition if it is caught early enough.

Color of Your Teeth

As soon as our teeth start to change in color, we want to immediately turn to whitening procedures, but this may not be the answer. Personal habits we have could be the cause of the color changes. Things such as tobacco use or drinking coffee have an effect on the staining of our teeth.

Oftentimes a cleaning by the dental office will be enough to remove these external stains. The cleaning will also help to promote an overall good oral health as well. Before you decide to whiten your teeth, why not try a visit to the dentist for a professional cleaning?

When is Whitening Not the Right Option?

Most people who are suffering from yellow-colored teeth will respond well to whitening treatments. There are some instances where whitening doesn’t seem to affect the teeth. These include:

  • Brownish-colored teeth

  • Gray stains on teeth from smoking or fluorosis

  • Bonding or fillings are on the front teeth

Before You Decide

Making the decision to whiten your teeth is important. Before committing to take any action, follow these three steps:

  • Speak to your dentist for recommendations

  • Determine if the cost is worth it

  • Decide which type of system you would want to use

Remember, good oral health habits are the basis to a healthy, white smile. Be sure you are brushing and flossing regularly to maintain an optimal level of brightness. In addition, visit your dentist in Easton twice a year for a professional cleaning and examination. Call our office today at (610) 923-8340.

3 Myths about Going to the Dentist

Easton PA Dentist Battles Harmful Myths about Your Routine Visits

Are you scared about going to your Easton, PA dentist? Don’t worry, most people are. But, in most cases, they shouldn’t be! Let’s start by quelling the most common myths about your dental health.

My Gums Bleed When I Brush, So, I Should Brush Less

This couldn’t be further from the truth! When your gums bleed during brushing, it is typically because you have plaque buildup and the gums have become sensitive and inflamed. If you don’t brush your teeth (bleeding gums or otherwise) you aren’t getting the plaque out and only making the situation worse.

As strange as it may sound if you have bleeding gums, they actually benefit from more stimulation. So, in addition to brushing, also continue to floss! This will ensure you are getting the inflammatory bits and particles out, ensuring you have healthy gums. Also ensure you are using a soft toothbrush head, rather than a medium, hard, or course. These are not good for your teeth and gums!

Dental-Grade Whitening Weakens My Teeth and Enamel

This is also simply not true. Yes, whitening material permeates your teeth and enamel, but it is working beneath the surface to whiten your teeth. Since bleaching removes color/pigmentation, the only thing you really need to worry about is using too many over-the-counter products. Your teeth can become translucent and ultimately appear grey instead of white!

If You Have Bad Breath, You Aren’t Brushing Correctly

While in some cases this might be true, in the vast majority of cases, it simply is not. Most cases of bad breath are due to the foods you ingest or medical conditions. If you eat garlic and onion and you have bad breath, it isn’t because the garlic and onion particles are stuck in your teeth, it is because they are digesting in your stomach and causing bad breath!

You can also have bad breath if you stomach over produces acids (often causing acid reflux or heartburn). This can be adjusted by taking anti-acids, not “brushing better.” Additionally, some illnesses (and medications) will throw off your pH balance or bacterial synergy, causing you to have bad breath!

How Can I Be Sure?

In any case, if you are not convinced that these 3 myths are just that – myths, schedule a visit with your Easton, PA dentist. Your dentist will assure you that bleeding gums do not mean you need to skip brushing your teeth so that they can heal. Your dentist will confirm that dental-grade whitening won’t damage or weaken your teeth. If you have bad breath, your dentist will be able to determine if it is due to poor dental hygiene or something else. Take advantage of what your dentist can offer you in terms of dental health and knowledge, call Rose Dental Care today at 610-923-8340.

Fluoride and Adults

Your Dentist in Easton Explains the Importance of Fluoride for Smiles of All Ages

Children are usually given fluoride treatments at each routine dental appointment. This is meant to help ensure that they have strong permanent teeth, avoid tooth decay and other oral issues. However, should adults be concerned with their fluoride? Are fluoride treatments something that adults need to be getting as well? Your dentist in Easton says yes! Fluoride is something that all adults still need to be aware of and concerned about for their oral health.

Why Fluoride is Important

Fluoride is important for almost every stage of teeth development. In fact, fluoride can help with:

  • Providing calcium for your teeth which ensures they are healthy and strong

  • Increasing the strength of the enamel

  • Can lower the chances of developing cavities

  • Can help decrease oral related diseases and other problems

This is why your dentist in Easton believes that getting fluoride is still important, even when you are an adult.

Getting Fluoride as an Adult

In most cases, dental insurance will not pay for fluoride treatments once the person is past the age of 14 years old. There are those who opt to pay for these treatments on their own, which is always an option. However, there are a few other ways in which you can get the fluoride that you need:

  • Utilize oral products that contain additional fluoride such as toothpaste or mouthwash

  • Eat a balanced meal to get all of your nutrients and minerals.

  • Drink water that has been enhanced with fluoride

It should be noted that fluoride does decrease at rather high rates in adults. The acids in your mouth are going to start stripping away the enamel, which can make the need for fluoride mandatory. If you find that you cannot get this on your own, then treatments for this is the only way to go.

If you believe that you may be lacking when it comes to the level of fluoride in your system, then be sure to talk with your dentist in Easton. He or she can give you a good idea of what they can help you with and check to ensure that the lack of fluoride has not caused any permanent issues. Call us today at (610) 923-8340 to schedule your appointment and learn more about our available treatments.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Learn Why Easton Invisalign Treatment is the Best Choice for a Straighter Smile Today

Invisalign in Easton is one of the best dental procedures modern technology has to offer. Not only is it comfortable to wear, people can also wear Invisalign for up to 22 hours a day without putting too much effort into it. Thankfully, Invisalign aligners have minimal impact on everyday life.

No Interference in Keeping Up with Your Oral Hygiene

Invisalign aligners can be removed easily so you can just normally go about brushing and flossing your teeth. There is also an available cleaning kit specifically for Invisalign available these days. In some cases, you only have to rinse and brush the aligners in lukewarm water.

Easy to Maintain and Clean

Most dental treatments available require extensive maintenance and cleaning. However, the same cannot be said with the Invisalign aligners. When it comes to your bedtime routine, you can do the things you would normally do at night without paying too much attention to your aligners. After all, you just need to clean the aligner by rinsing and cleaning. You don’t have to waste time brushing and flossing in between wires and braces.

Eat Your Food without Any Discomfort

When eating, you can easily remove your aligners. Unlike with braces, you won’t have to worry about having food scraps stuck on wires. There are no restrictions placed on your eating habits so you can eat whatever you want to eat. This everyday routine won’t be troublesome even when you have just finished your Invisalign treatment.

Safe to Play Sports

People who participate in contact sports may be worried about the effect of wearing these aligners. Fortunately, Invisalign aligners don’t pose any problems for these active contact sports players. The aligners won’t cut into your lip, gums, tongue, or mouth like how they would when you are wearing braces. For sports that will require wearing a protective mouth guard, all you need to do is remove the aligners. You can go all out and play your sport to your heart’s content.

If you’re interested in learning more about Invisalign in Easton, feel free to give us a call at (610) 923-8340 to schedule a consultation. Your smile shouldn’t have to wait any longer!

Tips to Keep Your Teeth Stain-Free

Easton Family Dental Offers Tips on How to Keep Your Teeth Stain-Free

Having white teeth is everybody’s dream. While proper oral care routine is invaluable in maintaining your teeth’s shine, some foods we take and the activities we do leads to teeth discoloration. Stain-free teeth do not only allow you to keep flashing those smiles but also suggest a healthy oral hygiene. Your Easton family dental has gathered some of the most effective and practical tips to save your teeth from discoloration.

  • Do not Smoke. Not only can smoking lead to cancer, it also destroys your teeth. Aside from tobacco stains on your teeth, smoking will also give you gum disease and bad breath.

  • Avoid teeth-staining foods and drinks. Drinking coffee and other hot beverages like tea and chocolate can also discolor your teeth by destroying your enamel. You may use a straw when sipping to lessen the impact of these drinks. Other foods you need to watch out for include pasta sauces, curry, balsamic vinegar, and berries. Be sure to rinse, or better yet brush your teeth, every after taking these foods.

  • Invest in quality oral care products. Brushing your teeth two times a day won’t be enough if you don’t use the right products. A quality set of toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash will help you fight plaque build-up which causes discoloration.

  • Get your teeth cleaned, professionally. A semi-annual visit to Dr. Baddoo's office is ideal to keep your teeth white and clean. Talk to him about your lifestyle for him to evaluate the needed procedures. Getting your teeth all cleaned up by a professional will let you flash that confident and comfortable smile.

  • Drink enough water. Water is invaluable in maintaining our overall health, including our oral hygiene. Be sure to drink plenty of water. This will wash away the food that stays in your mouth after chewing. Enjoy a glass of water after a meal will also help clear your throat and aid digestion.

Looking for more ways to have a whiter, brighter smile? Call your Easton family dental office, Rose Dental Center, at (610) 923-8340 today.

Addressing Root Canal Treatment

Your Dental Specialists in Easton Discusses Root Canals

When a tooth infection has already reached the roots of the tooth, a root canal surgery might be needed. However, not all people are well acquainted with this procedure; hence, neglecting the problem. It is only when the infection worsens and unbearable that most people seek your dental specialists in Easton, Dr. Anthony Baddoo.

Because of the increasing concern about root canal operations, we discuss some of the vital concerns that you may have.

Is a Root Canal Necessary?

Yes, a root canal is necessary if the infection already reaches the root of the tooth. The root of the tooth contains the pulp, and the pulp is where the nerves and vessels of the tooth are located. The pulp is what keeps the tooth alive, so if it the gets infected and left untreated, this might cause the tooth to decay and eventually rot.

How does the Procedure Save the Tooth?

The procedure will not only save you from severe pain, but it will also keep your tooth alive. If you care about the appearance of your smile, you should feel the same to the inside of each tooth. A tooth canal or endodontic operation treats the inflammation or infection deep down to the pulp area. This procedure will keep your tooth alive and prevent further tooth loss.

How Painful is the Operation?

One very common misconception about root canal procedure is the high level of pain you feel. Dr. Baddoo will use a local anesthetic to ease the pain and make the surrounding area numb, so in reality, you will not feel a thing at all. If the fear of extreme pain is what stopping you from having this procedure, then you have nothing to worry about.

What do I Have to do After the Procedure?

In most cases, Dr. Baddoo will prescribe a series of lists and steps for you to take in order to properly recover. Strictly follow the instructions to avoid complications. Also, avoid lifting heavy objects as it might increase the stress and strain the healing tissues.

If you have any questions for your dentist specialist in Easton, call Rose Dental Center today at (610) 923-8340.

How to Fight Bruxism

Easton Family Dentist Provides Tips for Bruxism

According to the American Dental Association, and your Easton family dentist,  10 to 15 percent of adults suffer from bruxism, also commonly known as teeth grinding. The said condition can trigger other serious side effects on your smile. So, if you frequently find yourself grinding your teeth at night, you may want to follow these tips:

Seek Professional Help

If you plan to cure bruxism, but you’re just not sure where to start, then perhaps you should begin looking for an expert practitioner. You can look for reliable dentists on state dental boards, on certified websites, and even from your healthcare insurance provider.

Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol Intake

Products with caffeine and alcohol stimulate the nervous system, and if the consumption is left uncontrolled, the effects can lead to bruxism. The best way to control caffeine and alcohol intake is by taking less before bedtime. Moderate consumption of sugar and water can also help lessen bruxism.

Find Time to Loosen Up

It’s recommended that people with bruxism should find time to relax because stress is one of its primary causes. Anyone suffering from bruxism should start having meditation as it can help calm the nerves.

Use airway masks if you’re suffering from Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a breathing problem wherein the people suffering from it tend to have long pauses in breathing. They also look for different avenues to improve their breathing and that’s where bruxism happens. Experts recommend that people suffering from Sleep Apnea wear airway masks over their nose to improve their breathing.

Wear Night Guards

Night guards are dental tools that stop the surfaces of the teeth from grinding together during sleep, and it can help reduce bruxism for a few days or a week or two. It can be bought in many pharmacies, but the high-quality ones are usually prescribed by dentists.


If you're suffering from bruxism, we urge you to call your Easton family dentist today at (610) 923-8340 and schedule a consultation.