Dental fillings are a great method of restoring a tooth after decay has occurred. It brings back the tooth to its natural shape and function. A tooth that requires filling will be first treated by a dentist. Our Easton family dentists remove the decayed area of the tooth before cleaning it and filling it with a quality filling material. The filling prevents further tooth decay by sealing off spaces and cracks where bacteria could enter into the tooth’s structure.
There are many materials used for fillings which include silver, gold, porcelain, and even plastic. Our team will work with you to determine the most appropriate material for you based on where the filling is required, the extent of the tooth repair, and the estimated cost of treatment. The following fillings are available at our practice and are briefly explained:
Gold fillings have been used for decades in replacing missing tooth structure. They are made in a laboratory to custom-fit into the area needed and are bonded in place during a dental visit. Many feel as though gold is the best material for fillings. White gold is also available though more expensive than traditional gold. Patients with gold inlays find them to be well-tolerated by the gum tissues and can expect them to last two decades or longer.
Amalgam (silver) fillings are an inexpensive option and are also well-received. Unfortunately, their dark color makes them extremely noticeable when compared to composite resin bonding and porcelain. They are not usually recommended for fillings that are placed in visible areas such as the anterior teeth.
Composite (plastic) resins is another option for fillings. These are custom-made to match the color of the natural tooth for a more natural look. These white fillings are much less noticeable than others though they only last up to ten years. They can be stained by tea, coffee, and tobacco, which may require replacement, and they are not the best solution for large fillings where they could wear or chip over time.
Porcelain fillings are fabricated in a dental laboratory and then bonded to the tooth structure. They can also be matched in color as composite resin fillings are. However, they are stain resistant and can last longer than the alternative. These fillings cover more of the tooth structure to make them practically undetectable and they often cost the same as traditional gold fillings.